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Jan. 26, 2021
SaveGREEN - Paving the Network: IENE International Conference
The SaveGREEN project team had a forward-looking 2021 launch by participating in the IENE International Conference “LIFE LINES – Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions.” After 25 years of existence, it was the first virtual conference organised by IENE, a network aiming to provide an independent, international, and interdisciplinary arena for the exchange and development of knowledge on transportation, infrastructure, and ecology with the aim to promote a safe and ecologically sustainable pan-European transport infrastructure.
Dec. 30, 2020
BBF started a project for protection of ecocorridors in the Danube Basin
BBF and The Black Sea NGO Network (BSNN) together with 11 other project partners from CEE and Balkan Peninsula started the implementation of the project "Safeguarding the functionality of transnationally important ecological corridors in the Danube basin" - SafeGreen. The project is financed by Interreg Danube Transnational Programme and is set to work on the critical theme of ecological corridors in the Carpathian and further mountain ranges of the Danube region.
Aug. 14, 2020
Meeting of the BBF Board on September 7th 2020
On September 7th 2020 will be held the regular meeting of BBF Management Board. Due to the epidemic situation, the introduced restrictive measures and mandatory quarantine for travelling between the different countries, the meeting of the Management Board will be held remotely through the Zoom platform.
Jul 10, 2020
2nd project meeting within BIO-INNOVATE project
Municipality of Prosotsani organized the 2nd project meeting within the approved project"Fauna Assessment and management to safeguard Biodiversity in cross - border mountainous areas of Bulgaria and Greece: Innovative approaches to estimate monitor and protect biodiversity in local ecosystems – BIO-INNOVATE", supported by Cooperation Programme "INTERREG V-A Greece-Bulgaria" 2014 - 2020. The 2nd project meeting was held via web-platform «ZOOM» on Thursday 9th of July 2020, between11:00 and 14:30.
May 07, 2020
Pruning trees and shrubs in urban areas
On 7th of May will be held a webinar about the "Pruning trees and shrubs in urban areas". The lecturer is land. arch. Nevena Pachedzhieva. She explains: "The brutal pruning of trees and shrubs across the country is the reason that made me take the topic more seriously. The purpose of pruning is to regulate the shape, size and flowering of the trees and shrubs, to maintain a strong, healthy and beautiful plant. Removing more than 20% of living tree branches is very dangerous, cuts above 5 cm also. Pruning in most tree species should be done during the rest period – this is also a very common mistake made by the gardeners in urban areas.
Nov. 26, 2019
Website for innovative education about natural science
An online educational toolkit with useful information about theory and practice in nature protection, research,  management of natural resources and civil advocacy in Bulgaria, Greece and Czech Republic  is already released at: It iscarried out within the project "Future Environmentalists - Linking EU Natural Capital Management to Field Research", which is performed by Association of Parks in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Biodiversity foundation, Bulgaria, Aristotle university of Thessaloniki and Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.
Nov. 26, 2019
First transnational meeting for partners of BIO-INNOVATE Project
The first transnational meeting for the partners of the project "Fauna Assessment and management to safeguard Biodiversity in cross-border mountainous areas of Bulgaria and Greece: Innovative approaches to estimate monitor and protect biodiversity in local ecosystems – BIO-INNOVATE" was organized on 22nd of November in the the Municipality of Prosotsani. The project is supported by the Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020.