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Oct. 28, 2022
SaveGREEN - Presents monitoring results on wildlife-crossing facilities to Bulgarian regional and national media

The Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation (BBF), Black Sea NGO Network (BSNN) and the South-West State Enterprise (SWSE) organised a field trip for regional and national media to present conclusions and recommendations based on the monitoring of wildlife crossing facilities along Lot 1 of the Struma Motorway, part of the SaveGREEN project pilot area in south-west Bulgaria.

game on
Oct. 17, 2022
Fascinating Facts and Figures from the Game On

Game On Initiative's 8-country survey

At the Game On project, our goal is to activate the global youth and react to the threat climate change represents for the future of humankind. It is our everyday task to raise people's environmental awareness, build community and make a positive change in people's behaviour. The recently published Omnibus survey also contributes to this. Let’s see some fascinating facts and figures from the Game On Initiative's 8-country survey!
photo Spas Uzunov
Jun 10, 2022
BBF is a member of the marine family of Seas at Risk
We are happy to announce at EU Ocean Week that for several months now the BBF has been a member of Seas at Risk, the only European organization working on a wide range of maritime policy issues and open to membership for all genuine NGOs active in marine environment
May 10, 2022
SaveGREEN transnational experience exchange workshop for Pilot Area Rila Verila Kraishte
Transnational experience exchange workshop on the SaveGREEN project will be held from May 11 to 12 in Rila Hotel, Dupnitsa. The event is organized by the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation and the Black Sea Network of NGOs in cooperation with the Executive Forest Agency and Southwestern State Enterprise and aims to present the progress of project activities in the pilot area Rila-Verila-Kraishte.
bird watching
Apr. 25, 2022
"Birdwatching" is "observation for the enjoyment of wild birds in their natural habitat". The term comes from the English words "bird" and "watching". Every novice translator will define it as "bird watching", but for better or worse, there is no such word in the Bulgarian language.
Apr. 01, 2022
Meeting of the Management board of BBF
On April 27, 2022, from 11:00 to 16:00, a meeting of the Management Board of the BBF will be held with the following agenda:
1. Presentation and adoption of the BBF report on the activities in 2021
2. Presentation and acceptance of the BBF financial report for 2021
3. Presentation and acceptance of proposals for changes in the Statute of the Foundation.
4. Presentation of Brandbook and updated version of the Foundation's logo.
The meeting will be held in the office of the Foundation - Sofia 1000, 6 Triaditsa Str., Office 504
Natura 2000
Mar 30, 2022
Natura 2000 and biodiversity conservation in Bulgaria – challenges and solutions
As part of the European Union, Bulgaria has a strong commitment to the protection of biodiversity and the most valuable landscapes of Europe. With nearly 35 % of the country’s territory declared part of the Natura 2000 European environmental network, the country has enormous potential to make a significant contribution to achieving the overall conservation objectives.
Jan. 12, 2022
SaveGREEN - A call to action: incorporating Nature in Infrastructure Development
The impacts of infrastructure development on ecosystems and biodiversity are vividly evident today. Roads represent the first tendrils of human expansion, driving deforestation and degradation, opening thousands of hectares of previously intact habitat to land-use change, agricultural expansion, human settlement, wildlife exploitation and trade, and increasing zoonotic disease risk. In this context, 24 public and private sector organizations joined together in 2020 to create the Infrastructure and Nature Coalition to organize a series of webinar discussions with the aim to bolster countries’ efforts to meet previous targets and make stronger commitments for mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss during the 2021 “Super Year” for nature, including meetings of the IUCN World Conservation Congress, the Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15), and the Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) 26th Conference of the Parties (COP 26). The interests of SaveGREEN were advocated by representatives of WWF-CEE.
Dec. 31, 2021
BBF started the preparation and implementation of a monitoring plan for ecocorridor Rila - Verila - Kraishte
The preparation and implementation of a monitoring plan for the Rila-Verila-Kraishte ecological corridor began in December. The monitoring aims to determine the extent to which the built facilities for green infrastructure, such as overpass, underpass, viaduct, green bridges, etc., facilitate the passage and reduce the fragmentation of habitats of animal species in the area.
Nov. 09, 2021
SaveGREEN - The Power of Nature: An Introduction to Green Infrastructure
This is the first in a series of articles focusing on green infrastructure (GI) and how its various applications can help tackle the biodiversity crisis in Central and Eastern Europe. We also explain how the SaveGREEN project promotes good GI practices and better ways to design mitigation measures so that they can work adequately and in conjunction with ecological corridors. A helpful starting point, however, is to begin with an explanation of the difference between ‘green’ infrastructure and ‘grey’ infrastructure. So let’s get started!
Apr. 12, 2021
SaveGREEN - A Global Strategy for Sustainable Transport and other Linear Infrastructure
Roads, railways, power-lines and other linear infrastructures are global major threats to biodiversity. Yet, they are also essential to meet the demands of growing populations. Urgent decisions and targeted actions are needed to ensure that the current, very rapid increase in linear infrastructure — particularly in the world’s most biodiverse regions where some of the fastest growth is occurring — does not irreversibly damage the natural environment.